Breakout A - 10:45am
Jesus was a master storyteller. As we share his story with the kids, families and teams that we serve, what can we learn from not only the way He told stories, but also the way we tell the stories embedded in His life? Let’s unpack stories from the middle first, and see how it changes the way we begin, where we end up, and how it invites kids to find themselves in God’s big story.
This session will be about new immigrants to Canada. Who are they, where are they coming from and why are they coming here? We will look at the opportunities they bring with them and what their challenges are. We will explore how we may assist with their integration into our society and feel welcomed.
Diving into conversations around sexuality and gender is intimidating. “What if we say the wrong thing? What if we disagree or offend someone? How do we engage these topics without immediately going into debate?” However, ignoring the conversation is not an option; the world is having these conversations, and the Church needs to ensure that we are, too. The goal of this breakout is not to discuss what stance you should or shouldn’t have, but instead Michael will share his experiences leading these type of conversations at Cornerstone Church and what we learned. We will discuss how to engage in congregational conversations, key principles to remember, and valuable resources we used for engaging well in these conversations, within youth ministry and the church at large.
Breakout B - 12:45pm
What is the conversation our kids need and want to be having about who they are and how they intersect with their world? What is the world saying and what do they need to hear? How do we navigate the vernacular around “identity,” the meaning of the word, and why are we, as adults, having a harder time with this conversation than our kids? What can they teach us and are we willing to be learners even as leaders?
This is a breakout where we explore the significance of nurturing doctrine in young children, as even a 5-year-old can learn and teach it. We’ll also differentiate between heart and head faith, Good News kids vs. Good Behavior kids. Finally, we’ll highlight the importance of service in maintaining faith beyond childhood to prevent young Christians from leaving the church once they leave the nest.
Breakout C - 1:50pm
Diving into conversations around sexuality and gender is intimidating. “What if we say the wrong thing? What if we disagree or offend someone? How do we engage these topics without immediately going into debate?” However, ignoring the conversation is not an option; the world is having these conversations, and the Church needs to ensure that we are, too. The goal of this breakout is not to discuss what stance you should or shouldn’t have, but instead Michael will share his experiences leading these type of conversations at Cornerstone Church and what we learned. We will discuss how to engage in congregational conversations, key principles to remember, and valuable resources we used for engaging well in these conversations, within youth ministry and the church at large.